What To Consider When Purchasing an Equestrian Property

If you are interested in horses, you should consider purchasing an equestrian property. While owning horses is expensive initially, it is a reliable long-term investment. Whether you are a professional rider or purely an investor, there are some factors to consider when looking for equestrian properties:
Water Supply
Horses need clean water to thrive. The property you purchase must therefore have a healthy water supply. However, you do not want land that is completely wet, as this could eventually become mush.
Horses also need full pastures. The property you purchase should therefore have quality grass. Avoid acidic lanes, as these may affect the holes in your horses’ hooves.
You do not want your prized horses cramped onto a small property. You should thus make sure the land you buy has sufficient acreage. There should be at least one acre per horse on the premises. Be sure to also leave enough room for stables and a shelter for yourself.
On an equestrian property, weeds are not just a mere annoyance. They can also be poisonous for horses. Ragwort is particularly dangerous. This weed also spreads rapidly if it is not properly addressed. Be sure that both the land you purchase and the surrounding areas are free of ragwort.
Fencing is particularly important for equestrian properties. A strong fence will enclose your animals and prevent them from escaping. It will also stop possible predators from entering your paddock and injuring the horses. Fences with rails and posts are the most reliable. Fencing can be expensive, so keep that in mind when you are crafting your budget.
The ideal equestrian property has a healthy water supply, quality grass, sufficient fencing. It should also have plenty of acreage and be free of potentially fatal weeds. While buying this land requires a lot of extra attention, it is a profitable endeavor that lets you pursue your passion for horses.